Monday, August 4, 2008

Message From our Sponsors

Hi loyal reader(s),

Sorry for the gap in coverage, your tireless writer is a bit, well, tired. However, in the meantime, please take the time to visit Interweb Travels a quirky blog from a man who knows his interweb. You might even find a picture of me from Saturday night when I was completely... anyway.

Also, please be sure to pay my dear sister a visit, she's been gathering articles and comment pages on the senseless violence that broke out at a Critical Mass ride two Fridays ago.

Justin Roeser is probably the hardest working singer/songwriter I've met. He is trying to break into the Seattle music scene, and even drove to South By Southwest to distribute his debut album for free. Give the guy a break and take a listen at his MySpace. He will perform next at an outdoor concert at The Station in Ballard on August 16 (time TBA).

And lastly but not least-ly, Central District News has some great photos from the Central District's lively Umoja Parade.

Thank you, and we will return after a short break. Expect photos.

1 comment:

G. Angus said...

Hey, thanks for the mention & link. And thanks for the link to your sister's blog too.